Alurian Names - Álurhsá Elevës

All Alurians have three names, a personal name, a patronymic, and a clan or tribal name. They are generally mentioned in that order.

The personal name is usually chosen from a very large list of possible names, most of which have a meaning associated with them which the parents would like to also be associated with their child. For example, the name Jesáná comes from a root meaning "Internal Strength", found in words such as ájesónâ (to encourage) or jesrá (brave).

Other examples of personal names include Lhásve (hope), Álvá (joy), Sále (peace), Vlefne (prudent), Ádín˙ (a type of hawk). Some names no longer have direct meaning, such as Vídze, which meant something in the Óskárá language spoken on the islands around Póyná, but which is now forgotten. It is important also to note the endings, where -e is a common ending for male names, and -á for female ones. For example, a man with the name Joy would be Álve, while a woman would be Álvá.

Alurians are also quite sensitive about naming their children pretentiously, thus you won't find names such as Feste (strong), Rrevne (ruler), Kólísná (beautiful). They also believe that children are individuals who should have the chance to develop their own characters and lives, so they do not ever name their children directly after themselves. It is quite common to name children after relatives who are desceased, live far away and are rarely seen, or other such arrangements, thus making the notion of a "personal" name all the more personal.

The patronymic is formed, without exception, by taking the father's first name in the instative (genitive) form. Thus, a man named Vlefne whose father is Lhásve would be Vlefne Lhásveyá, and a woman named Álvá whose father is Hánórh (life) would be Álvá Hánórhá. This custom dates back to well before the Dhálívránsës (Women's Liberation) and was retained as part of the agreement forged at that time.

The clan or tribal name is taken from the father's tribe, which was one of the other agreements made at the Dhálívránsës. These tribal names don't tend to mean anything specific, but have been around for literally eons. Tribal connection is one of the fundamental pieces of Alurian culture. Some example tribal names are Cóles, Gyeln˙, Dráshán, Válárh, Jáskár, Kashán. There are about 300 tribes still in existance on Aluria, all of them represented in the Bóleyávósen, one of the legislative arms of the Alurian government.

So, when you put the names together, here are some full examples:

Note the switch of genders for Vídze/Vídzá, Jesáne/Jesáná, and the meanings for Ráyáne/Ráyáná ("hawkeye?", from Ráyâ - to look at)
and Ádinápe/Ádinápá (a type of antelope).

This page last updated: 10/16/04 - Úmázhë Ólevá Ányexelényű: 14 Lhányel˙ '56