Alurian Folk Sayings - Álurhsá Iltómár
Deyës faleghlâ zh'órüván pólef ddóxâ zhë zárrevnán láksán.
You must loose sight of the shore in order to catch the biggest fish.
Veñ hólexáç vìgô ñeyë mónes.
Without valleys there are no mountains.
Ñólyá shthávô káyën, shthávô gávezhenán.
She who bears a child, gives birth to the future.
Bhór te kál`rhesé ñelef lezárshé.
Time that is shared is never wasted.
Tsye sáläyá vìgô verhs.
In tranquility there is truth.
Nelhé qórsës pólef ghílâ sevánán.
It takes a long time to find eternity.
Kerâ lhôñ delzyû festá.
To believe is to be strong.
Sújä, ñe tújä.
Patience, not accusations.
Vùn ttòsná bóvádená vìgô yáshë sávël.
With every answer there is another question.
Zhë sheven lhôñ lefsá he zhë hánórh góyô.
Living is difficult but Life goes on.
Hólef vìgô käleshthá be zhë sívnäyá, vìgô zákúsä tsye zhë sígvâyá.
When there is kaleshtha on the table, there is plenty in the house.
This page last updated on 10/16/04 - Úmázhë Ólevá Ányexelényû: 14 Lhányelÿ '56