The official name of the Alurhsa government is "Álurhsá Válámsen" which translates roughly as The Alurhsa Republic. The governmental system of Alurhna is an interesting study in duality. Alurhna has two systems that complement and complete each other, while also causing a certain level of discord. This division also results in a more balanced government that can only exercize so much authority on its citizens because of overlapping circles of control.
The Rrevnánsës (government), is composed as follows: Each town, or precinct within a city, has a Páláń, who is elected by the citizens of that town/district to serve both as their leader (mayor?) and as their representative to the first level council. In the case of towns, the first level council is at what we might term the county level. In the case of cities, it is at the city-wide level. Out of those who are elected to this body, one is elected to serve as the Gápáláń, or leader of this council (his/her position is then refilled by the town/precinct they used to represent).
This system continues upward through the levels to each province/region, whose leaders make up the Qármës or High Council (from qármâ - to meet in council, debate, negotiate). The Qármës is composed of 10 representatives, one from each region, who meet in Váláqentá and form one house of the governing body.
Together, the Qármës and the Bóleyávósen (see below) elect one person to be the Ólhenárhvóvá, which is translated into English as President but is more accurately Keeper of the Sacred Duty, who is the actual leader of the Alurhsa People. It is a high honor, and one which is only given after much reflection, testing, and consideration, and only to the most honorable, wisest, and most worthy of our race.
The Bóleyánsës (Tribal rule), is composed as follows: Each member of each tribe in a given district (city or county equivalent) is led by their Góshe, or Tribal Elder. The Góshe is not answerable to the Páláń, and one person cannot serve both positions. Depending on the tribal makeup of a given district, there may be one or several góshe, since each tribe will have one. The góshe is not elected, but rather appointed from the wisest most honorable elders in that region by the Shócre or Chief of the tribe. Note that while the Rrevnánsës side is territorial, working from town/precinct level through the district/city, county, section, and finally province/region, the Bóleyánsës side is territorial only at the town/precinct level. Beyond that, the elders may gather together informally for councils in given areas, but those may or may not overlap actual Rrevnánsës borders, and can even span from Province/region to Province/region, depending on the distribution of that tribe. Note that everyone is considered to belong to one tribe based on paternal inheritance. Note also that for the duration of their stay in office any official elected/appointed to the Rrevnánsës side is considered to be "lëbóleyávsá" or unfamilied, so that their loyalties can be to the people of their constituency as a whole, not to any tribe within it.
Tribal government handles items of a spiritual nature including discipline, teaching, morals, customs, festivals (other than those of a specifically topological nature such as town festivals), weddings, funerals, etc. The Tribes still exercize a tremendous influence over daily life, as well as being considered the watchdogs of the geographic governments.
Tribal authority comes together in a global sense in the Bóleyávósen, or Council of Tribes. This group, composed of one representative of each tribe (often, but not always, the Shócre of the tribe), meets in Váláqentá alongside the Qármës and provides the balance to the geographic side of the central authority, rather similar to how the House of Representatives provides a balance to the Senate. On special occasions, when the entire central government meets together, the members of the Qármës fill the ten special chairs in the front of the Chamber of the Bóleyávósen, with the Ólhenárhvóvá taking a throne-like chair at the center of the ten.
The duration of any of these offices is usually either for life or more accurately at the pleasure of the people and councils. If, for example, the Ólhenárhvóvá were to be found to be corrupt, the Qármës or the Bóleyávósen would almost certainly give a vote of No Confidence (so to speak) and begin a trial, removing the questionable official from office and replacing him/her. This same method would work all the way down the chain. On the Bóleyánsës side the Shócre can be removed by the council of Góshe, or any Góshe also by either the Shócre or that same council of Góshe. In practice, the voice of the tribal members is also taken quite seriously in making such decisions, as is the voice of the people in making decisions on the Rrevnánsës side. Note, however, that corruption or behaviour that is unethical, immoral, or unbecoming a leader, would all be considered reasons for removing someone from office.
There are, of course, numerous people who work in government positions other than the above mentioned leaders. Clerics and directors are present on every world, after all. However, these positions, like all others on Alurhna, are filled by those who are shown to be "designed" or inclined to handle them. There are no careers as such on Alurhna, nor to people have jobs in the same way Terrans do. Instead, the Alurhsa people work under a sort of true communism, with each person performing some work to help maintain society, and receiving what they need to live because of it.