One of the fundamental concepts in the Alurhsa belief system is called "zh'Ěne Bátháven" (The Holy Balance).
To the Alurhsa people, keeping one's life in balance is considered of primary importance. Work vs. Play, the Divine vs. the Self vs. Others, Spiritual vs. Physical, and so on, should all ideally be kept in balance with one another, with not too much focus on either position. In the Alurhsa belief, stress, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, anger, and other problems result as much from having one's life out of balance as from the more visible causes.
Most Alurhsa subscribe to either a three or a four pointed concept of this. The points may represent any of the variety of balance points, such as Work, Play, Rest, Learning, Relationships, and so on. The triangle, most often represented as upward pointing and red colored, is one of the primary religious symbols among the Alurhsa people. Another common symbol is a cross, but unlike the Christian symbol the Alurhsa cross is represented with equal sized arms, with the center cross point (ták in Alurhsa) representing the balance point in one's life.
The two symbols reflect the variety of belief among the Alurhsa. Those who prefer the three pointed version, (represented, for example, in the red triangle on the flag of Vayna) believe that Rest need not be a point because if the other three are in balance, they produce Rest, which floods the center of the triangle. The four pointed version is represented on the white cross pattern of the flag of Kritsen.
Commonly the points of the triangle represent God, Self, and Others, while the arms of the cross represent Work, Play, Learning and Rest. However, the points in either the three or four point symbols can be used in any activity from career to schooling to a relationship to give a guide for the balancing of that activity. For example, in a husband-wife relationship, equal time must be spent on working to improve the relationship, learning about each other and how to relate, resting in the relationship, and just enjoying each other's company.
Although from the two-symbols it might seem that two distinct schools of thought exists, in fact the Alurhsa tend to unite the two, using both as representations and guides to help keep appropriate balance in all areas of life.